Welcome to AHU!

Ignite Your Potential at Asteria Horizon University

Nestled in the heart of Nova City, California, Asteria Horizon University (AHU) is a powerhouse of innovation and a top-100 ranked tech university globally. As a pioneer in Technology, Biotechnology, and Engineering (TBE) education, AHU fosters a vibrant community where students can thrive and make a lasting impact on the world.

At AHU, we don’t just teach – we empower. We ignite the potential within our students, providing the tools and guidance to transform their ideas into groundbreaking solutions. Whether your passion lies in artificial intelligence, sustainable engineering, or the frontiers of biomedicine, AHU equips you with the knowledge and resources to reach for the stars.

Asteria Horizon – a place of knowledge

At Asteria Horizon we value diversity of mind. We strive to educate top tier engineers, biologists and computer scientists. In a world where humans are trying to find their place in the world of technologt. AUH is a place where technology and humanity meet to create innovative and transformative tools and knowledge. Here are some of our faculties!

Power Up Your Research Skills at the Asteria Horizon University Library

The Asteria Horizon University Library is your one-stop shop for academic success. Our vast collection of print and online resources, combined with our expert librarians, empowers you to excel in your studies and research endeavors.

What is Canvas Student System?

Canvas is an online platform specifically designed for educational purposes. It acts as a central hub for your courses, connecting you with instructors, classmates, and all your learning materials.